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L'amministrazione Bush sta lavorando che i presunti terroristi rinchiusi nelle carceri segrete della Cia non rivelino ai giudici con quali metodi siano stati interrogati. Lo afferma il quotidiano statunitense Washington Post, secondo il quale il governo Usa considera un segreto il sistema di interrogazione dei servizi segreti. (www.peacereporter.net)

...certo, così i terroristi non gli copiano i metodi di tortura.

The Bush administration has told a federal judge that terrorism suspects held in secret CIA prisons should not be allowed to reveal details of the "alternative interrogation methods" that their captors used to get them to talk.[...] Terrorists could use the information to train in counter-interrogation techniques and foil government efforts to elicit information about their methods and plots, according to government documents [...] Government lawyers also argue in court papers that detainees such as Khan (detenuto per tre anni senza che al famiglia sapesse dov'era) previously held in CIA sites have no automatic right to speak to lawyers because the new Military Commissions Act, signed by President Bush last month, stripped them of access to U.S. courts. [...] The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is considering whether Guantanamo detainees have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts. [...] The government urged Walton to defer any decision on access to lawyers until the higher court rules. [...] Captives who have spent time in the secret prisons, and their advocates, have said the detainees were sometimes treated harshly with techniques that included "waterboarding," which simulates drowning. Bush has declared that the administration will not tolerate the use of torture but has pressed to retain the use of unspecified "alternative" interrogation methods. [...] a released detainee who said he was held with Khan in a dingy CIA prison called "the salt pit" in Afghanistan. There, prisoners slept on the floor, wore diapers and were given tainted water that made them vomit, [...] (www.washingtonpost.com)

...in soldoni, questi detenuti vengono prelevati da casa, rinchiusi senza un motivo e senza che venga data comunicazione alle loro famiglie, vengono interrogati con metodi anternativi (l'amministrazione Bush rifugge la tortura) che comprendono deprivazione del sonno, provocare il vomito, avere la testa ficcata sotto l'acqua, ma non possono dirlo a nessuno in qunto, per legge, non hanno i normali diritti che chiunque essere umano gode in uno stato civile.

E poi esportano la democrazia...

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